
Musket Shetlands

Musket Ewe LambMusket Ram Lamb

A musket ewe lamb and a musket ram lamb from Windswept Farms, Michigan. The musket color is a very light brown with light gray fibers underneath. The fleece will eventually lighten with age to a pale cream or oatmeal color. Photos by Heather Ludlam.

Musket RamMusket Ewe With Lambs

A musket ram and a musket ewe from Nier Lakes Shetland Sheep, Alberta, Canada. One can see how the musket color lightens with age. Photos by Kathy Baker.

Fawn Shetlands

Fawn Ewe Lamb

Fawn is described as a whole color that is lighter than a moorit. This fawn ewe looks golden on the outer tips, but when the fleece is parted a darker solid color is revealed. There are no grey fibers in the fawn fleece. This photo is a ewe lamb on the Shetland Islands, taken by Kathy Baker.

Mioget Shetlands

Mioget Ewe LambMioget Fleece

This beautiful mioget ewe lamb comes from Sheltering Pines, Michigan. The close-up shows her golden fleece. There are no grey fibers in this fleece, the fibers are a light, golden brown. Photos by Stephen Rouse.

Moorit Shetlands

Moorit EweMoorit Ewe

These beautiful moorit ewes come from John and Lynn McKay of Woollyacres, Ontario. The ewe on the left is an almost chocolate colored moorit with lighter tips to her fleece. The ewe on the right is a rich red colored moorit. Photos by Lynn McKay.