Your membership in the North American Shetland Sheep Association will assist in the preservation of this unique and colorful breed.
Membership provides an opportunity for registered flocks to record Registrations and Transfers of purebred Shetland Sheep in North America.
Registration includes a registry certificate and 4 generation computer generated pedigree for each sheep registered. Send for a Registration Application or use this printable Registration form.
NASSA membership benefits include:
- Recognition by the British registries as NASSA was founded in 1991 based on the 1927 Shetland Breed Standard of the Shetland Flock Book Society.
- A copy of the Shetland Handbook, available online to members, contains the history, breed standard, information on wool characteristics, colors and genetics, etc. …a good source of information about Shetlands.
- The ability for flock owners to record Registrations and Transfers of purebred Shetland Sheep in North America.
- A registration certificate and four-generation computer generated pedigree for each sheep registered.
- NASSA NEWS, a quarterly newsletter providing news and information about Shetlands, a forum for breeder exchange, breeder profiles, reprints of English articles on Shetlands, and ads for sheep wanted and for sale. It provides a means for breeders and newcomers alike to exchange information, ideas, and experiences.
- Eligibility to obtain an account for the online NASSA Database “Members only” area.
- Members are also able to renew membership, register and transfer animals online at the NASSA web site.
Membership Types & Fees:
- Junior Member – Non-voting membership, one newsletter per household. Only a Regular or Junior member may register or transfer sheep. Initial Membership, $25 US. Includes flock registration fee. Annual renewal, $15 US, Must be upgraded to a Regular membership upon reaching the age of 18. Note: Anyone under the age of 18 MUST register as a Junior Member.
- Associate Member – Newsletter only, no voting privileges. Initial Membership, $30 US. Annual renewal, $25 US. May be upgraded to a Regular membership by paying a flock registration fee of $10 US and acquiring sheep.
- Regular Member – Must own Shetland sheep. Only a Regular or Junior member may register or transfer sheep. Initial Membership, $40 US. Includes flock registration fee, newsletter, and voting privileges once sheep are recorded to the flock. Annual renewal, $25 US.
Note: Effective May 1, 2012 all fees must be paid in US Dollars. The Canadian exchange rate will no longer apply.
Please make checks payable to NASSA (US Dollars) and mail to:
NASSA Registry
PO Box 231, 420A Lincoln
Wamego, KS 66547
You may also contact our NASSA Registry at:
(785) 456-8500
You may contact our Membership Representative (Faye Whitney, our secretary and Membership chair) at:
(413) 628-3279
Online Membership Payments
You can use the buttons below to submit your new membership or membership renewal payment by PayPal. Please be sure to use the correct button and select the appropriate Membership Type from the pulldown. For new memberships please provide your desired flock prefix in the box of the form. For membership renewals please provide your NASSA Flock # in the box of the form. Please review the membership information above as well as the Membership Application Form.
New Membership (USA) |
Membership Renewal (USA) |
Online Membership Renewal
Through the Database Search Site Members Area
NASSA Members can use our Online Membership Renewal form and pay the membership fee using PayPal. To use the online renewal form you must have a valid account for the Members Area of the NASSA Database Search Site (i.e., the Online Database website.) If you already have a Members Area account, just log in to the Members Home page and click the “Online Membership Renewal & Registration Application” link at the bottom of the “Links to Your Info” box at the right of the page. If you are a current NASSA member without a Members Area account, go to the Membership Info page to find out how to set up your account. Note: you can only use the Online Membership Renewal form if your membership expiration is not past the 3 month grace period (otherwise you will not be able to log in to the Members Area.)
Related Info:
- NASSA Membership Application
- NASSA Registration Application
- NASSA Registry Work Order
- NASSA Brochure
- NASSA Handbook