Garden State Show Sponsors Needed

by Site Admin on June 19, 2015

The NJ Garden State show will be hosting a Shetland show competition September 13th, 2015. The show is a part of the activities highlighted during the NASSA Annual General Meeting weekend. The Mid Atlantic Shetland sheep Association is providing an opportunity for anyone to participate as a sponsor of various classes. Sponsorships are limited to two classes and are $15.00 each. Sponsorships will be used for special awards. Classes are:

Aged Ram (2 to 4 yrs)
Pair Aged Rams
Yearling Ram
Pair Yearling Rams
Aged Ewe
Pair Aged Ewes
Yearling Ewe
Pair Yearling Ewes
Pair of Lambs (one of each or same sex)
Get of Sire (4 sheep, any age sired by same ram)
Dam & Lamb
Breeder’s Flock (2 yearlings, 2 ewe lambs, 1 ram owned and bred by exhibitor)
Junior Showmanship
Best Fleece
Ewe Lamb
Ram Lamb
Pair Ram Lambs Sponsored

Please send checks made out to Mid Atlantic Shetland Sheep Association and mail to Shelley Nussbaum 200 Casino Dr. Farmingdale, NJ 07727.


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